Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our little chatterbox

New Year's Eve in Santa Barbara

Sofia got ready to partay like it's 2008...learning to sail!

We headed out on Uncle Tim's sailboat and enjoyed a sunset cruise on the harbor. Sofia is a natural born sailor! She relaxed the whole time and told us how much she liked it afterwards.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ab workout

Sofia takes some much needed tummy time in hopes her new muscles will help her in her endeavor to completely roll over someday.

Beach Girls

Aunties Athena & Andrea took Sofia to the beach for the very first time! When she finally woke up, she found the cars driving by quite fascinating.

The Great Potty Accident of 2008

After posing for this cute picture in her fancy outfit courtesy of Auntie Michelle, Cousin Deja, & Uncle Michael, Sofia proceeded to soil it in the most thorough fashion. I picked her up so Dacien could remove the tainted garment and in the most timely manner, Sofia peed all over me, the diaper bag and Auntie Athena & Uncle Tim's floor (sorry, we cleaned it up right away though!)
First time I've ever been peed on...with the exception of a few drops from Penny once when we came home from our 2 week trip to Ireland.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sofia going jogging

Uncie Tim would be so proud!

Nana's Birthday

Celebrating with Nana

recuperating from the celebration in matching ensembles...

Friday, December 26, 2008

More bathtime

Nana got to help give the little one a bath tonight. After all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, she was in need of a good scrubbing!

Once she was all clean, Sofia thanked her Nana for such a fun time.

So happy

Sofia gets presents!

Sofia got to play this morning with one of her new presents, a play yard from Nana and Grandpa. She just loved it! So much that she rolled over for the first time at around 9am!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Twas the morning of Christmas...

A Very Merry Christmas to all!

All set to give Santa a hand in her new ensemble selected by her very own Daddy!

Sofia telling Nana what she wants for Christmas

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sofia's Merry Christmas Eve

Hanging out with Grandma and Uncie Ronnie, SOfia eagerly awaits Santa's visit underneath the Christmas tree.

From Sofia: Merry Christmas Eve Everyone! Goooo!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sofia speaks

Sofia has so much to say! She's been talking all day!

Feeling better!

Sofia is feeling better this morning! She woke up with a smile on her face and is back to her usual cheerful self. She sends her apologies to Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Andrea for sleeping through you opening her gifts :)

A Sims Family Christmas

Got together to celebrate the season...Sofia showered everyone with gifts!
Sofia was feeling a bit under the weather yesterday though and had a rough time last night with an upset tummy. After much walking around, bouncing and mylicon, she finally settled down and fell asleep somewhat soundly.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

My First Christmas

On Saturday, Sofia celebrated her very first Christmas with her first stocking and present. She got a cute outfit, bib and water mat to play with! She's excited about her upcoming Christmas celebrations with all of her family today, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bathtime finally!

Made it to the bath!

Getting out of the bath usually means lots of screaming but today was a good day :)

Post bath typically consists of a hearty meal and lengthy nap to top it all off.

Sofia awaiting bathtime

Waiting on Dad to come up and help with her bath, Sofia decides to enjoy herself by admiring her hands and her fascinating dangling toys. She's been having more and more to say lately and is always all smiles!

Plum tuckered out

Sofia had a rough day Wednesday. She got 3 giant shots and screamed like she's never screamed before. Poor thing! She later felt the pain again and screamed her head off at Dacien's work for everyone to hear. Good to know those steroids did her lungs a world of good!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Getting ready for bedtime

Got back from Lodi and needed to be fed and changed.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Manic Monday Dec 15 2008

We made it to the doctor today and Sofia is nearly 2 feet tall! She made it to 11 pounds 7 ounces! Everything is looking good. The doc says that Sofia is mature and advanced for her preemie age.

We took her to Lodi for a Christmas celebration and she's now passed out from all the partying.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sofia on Sunday

Sofia is just hanging out this afternoon and wanted to say 'Hello!'
Goin' to the doc tomorrow to make sure she's growing a-okay.

Sofia & Penny cozying up